Dakota's Sugarfoot QAA
(Qualified All Age)
DOB: 2/2/00 - 1/31/09
OFA HIPS: LR-126156G29F
CERF: LR-37711
60 pounds, black, yellow factored


(NFC AFC Abe's Ebony and Ivory X FC AFC Dakota's Rascal Ryan)
Full Pedigree
Nicki was initially trained by Bruce Curtis, then went on to his brother Wayne Curtis, (Wayne trained her sire and her dam). She became qualified all age by winning the first qual she entered and then she took second in her second qual. She is extremely talented and intelligent, is an unbelievable marker, runs her blinds very methodically, and is a joy to run. Nikki is a littermate to FC AFC Brookdale's Sugar and Spice, FC Big Buck's Badger, Two Rivers Black Magic MH ***and a full sibling to AFC Sommit's Dakota Blackmale.


Mitimax's Winning Ticket MGP MH
(Master Hunter)
DOB: 12/17/01
OFA HIPS: LR-138754E24F
CERF: LR-37731
72 pounds, black, yellow factored


(FC AFC Candlewood's Court Jester
X CFC Bayer's Abigail Quiver Creek, 7.5 US open points, needs win for FC)

Full Pedigree
Lotto has been trained by Dave Rorem of Rorem Retriever Kennels since she was 3 1/2 months old.  She ran only two derbies and finished both of them.  She is extremely hard charging, runs her blinds as hard as her marks, and is a great marking dog.  Lyle Steinman ran her in 7 Master Hunter tests and passed 6 of them to qualify for the Master National.  We will continue to see how far she can go, including all-age competition if possible.  She is an awesome animal.  Lotto also has a QAA littermate who ran the 2004 Canadian National and a sister who has her MH title.


Contender's Blackgold Missy
DOB: 5/11/02
OFA HIPS: LR-142558G24F
CERF: LR-39214
65 pounds, black, yellow factored
(FC AFC Hilltop's Hayseed X SR Chantily Lace II JH)
Full Pedigree

Missy is excellent in the field and excellent in the house.  Dave Rorem trained her to be a gundog. With her talent, she may have made an all age dog.  She has outstanding drive, is an excellent marker, and very eager to please.  Her talent is showing in her puppies.  To date Missy has over 2000 retrieves in the field.  An absolute phenom in the field, she is also a mild-mannered and loving companion in the house.

Missy's sire won a derby and an open in the same trial. Her sire is also a littermate to the 2002 National Field Champion and the sire of the 2004 National Field Champion.




BN's Do It Zippy Star QAA
(Qualified All Age)
DOB: 11/13/99
OFA HIPS: LR-119482G24F
CERF: LR-30911
70 pounds, black, not color factored

star  star  star   

(FC-AFC Rebel Ridge Cody's Mischief x FC-AFC Hardlabors Do It Nikki MH)
Full Pedigree
Star has had two litters to FC AFC Calumet's Super Sonic, pups from the Soupie breeding have won open, amatuer, and qualifying stakes. Star was bred to Patton and those puppies are young, but look to be nice dogs. Star was the first female bred to NFC AFC Clubmead's Road Warrior. In that first breeding, she produced 7 puppies. Four of those puppies went into field trial homes. All of those puppies have won or taken home ribbons in the derby stakes and qualifying stakes. Several puppies from that first breeding are running all age stakes and taking home ribbons. One of the males from the first breeding won 5 of the last 6 derbies he entered and ended up #10 on the derby list in 2007 with 30 points. His sister was not far behind with 22 points. She won a qual and is taking home ribbons in the all age stake. Star has proven to be a consistent all age producer and she is quite the accomplished dog herself.



Seaside's Hakuna Matata QAA
(Qualified All Age)
DOB: 2/19/02
OFA Elbows LR-EL36947F67-NOPI (NORMAL)
CERF: LR-44099
63 pounds, black, not color factored

kuna kuna  kuna   

(FC-AFC Hawkeye's Candlewood Shadow x FC-AFC Carolina's Electrik Gypsy)
Full Pedigree
Kuna is a very talented dog. She was in pro training for 2 years with Hugh and Al Arthur. She became qualified all age on 5-15-05 and had accumulated six derby points. Kuna has been bred to both AFC Weezer Retreezer and NFC AFC Clubmead's Road Warrior. Those puppies look to have a great deal of talent. Kuna is a littermate to FC The Tide Ride, QAA Carolina's Moon Shadow, QAA Grasses Carolina Sweet Sensation, and QAA Peakebrook's Apparition. Kuna's dam produced the 2007 High Point Derby Female and 2nd place overall High Point Derby Dog, Carolina's Acoustic Storm. This is a pedigree loaded with talent.